Joern U-Boot

Note: This is the second post about Joern and may have some overlap with the first one because I had started writing this one before the other one…

I’ve been playing around with a tool called joern for some time now. Joern is a static analysis tool which is maintained by ShiftLeft. Joern uses something called code property graphs for representing a program.

The tool is written in Scala and has support for a powerful query language. Technical details are present on the official website here. Implementation details are present in this research paper.

I feel that this tool is similar to CodeQL. Some reasons I like Joern over CodeQL are:

I will go over some example use-cases of Joern using some test programs.

Basic API

Considering the following source code:

int add_one(int x) {
    return x + 1;

int main() {
    char* buf = malloc(4);
    int x = 2;
    double y = 3.5;

    x = add_one(x);
    printf("x is %d\n", x);

We can generate the cpg for this program as follows:

[example] joern-parse .

We can then open up the joern repl and run some queries:

[example] joern
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Compiling /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/example/(console)
creating workspace directory: /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/example/workspace

     ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ███╗   ██╗
     ██║██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗  ██║
     ██║██║   ██║█████╗  ██████╔╝██╔██╗ ██║
██   ██║██║   ██║██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗██║╚██╗██║
╚█████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗██║  ██║██║ ╚████║
 ╚════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝
Type `help` or `browse(help)` to begin

Before we can run any queries, we have to load the generated cpg.

joern> importCpg("cpg.bin")
Creating project `cpg.bin` for CPG at `cpg.bin`
Creating working copy of CPG to be safe
Loading base CPG from: /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/example/workspace/cpg.bin/cpg.bin.tmp

We can print our identifiers present in the program:

res1: List[String] = List("y", "x", "x", "x", "buf", "x", "x")

We can print the functions present in the program:

res2: List[String] = List(

We can print the location of calls in the program. joern considers assignment to be a call as well (a call to the Operators.assignment function). We can list these with:

def getCalls(function: String) = {
            call => (
                call.location.lineNumber match {
                    case Some(n) => n.toString
                    case None => "n/a"

We can then call this function with any function name:

joern> getCalls("<operator>.assignment")
res6: List[(String, String, String, String)] = List(
  ("main", "x = add_one(x)", "/Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/example/main.c", "13"),
  ("main", "y = 3.5", "/Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/example/main.c", "11"),
  ("main", "x = 2", "/Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/example/main.c", "10"),
  ("main", "* buf = malloc(4)", "/Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/example/main.c", "9")

We can also get flow from one operation to another. For example, if we want to see the trasformations on variable x from it’s definition to the call to printf, we can do the following:

joern> val src ="x") 
src: Traversal[Identifier] = Traversal

joern> val sink ="printf").argument 
sink: Traversal[Expression] = Traversal

joern> sink.reachableByFlows(src).p 
res7: List[String] = List(
| tracked                | lineNumber| method| file                                     |
| x = add_one(x)         | 10        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| printf("x is %d\n", x) | 11        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |

We can make this a little more generic. If we want to track flow from variables to calls to printf for any given method, we can do:

def getFlow(method: String) = {
    val src =

    val sink ="printf")


Running this for main gives us the same output:

joern> getFlow("main") 
res9: List[String] = List(
| tracked                | lineNumber| method| file                                     |
| x = add_one(x)         | 10        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| printf("x is %d\n", x) | 11        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |

Now for some examples where we try to find some bugs:

Heap based buffer-overflow

We will consider the following snippet of code for this example:

int get_tainted_int(int fd) {
    int x;
    read(fd, &x, sizeof(int));
    return x;

void copy(char *s, int n) {
    char* buf = malloc(100);
    memcpy(buf, s, n);

int main() {
    int fd = open("/tmp/x", O_RDONLY);
    int sz = get_tainted_int(fd);
    char* str = malloc(sz);

    copy(str, sz);

    return 0;

The program is vulnerable to a heap-based buffer overflow in the function copy. The parameter n is not validated to be less than the size of the buffer before the call to memcpy.

To discover this bug, we want to search for the following pattern:

To figure out which functions can taint variables, we have to do some manual code review. For instance, in our example, the function get_tainted_int is using the read function to read data from an untrusted file.

To decrease the effort in manual code review, we can first use Joern to filter which functions could be returning tainted data. Some of the functions which could taint variables include read, ntohl, recv, …

We can get these functions with:"(read|ntohs|ntohl|recv)") =>
res7: List[String] = List("get_tainted_int")

To do some more automated analysis, we could see if flow from the call to read to the return value of the function. This won’t be applicable for functions which don’t return a value, and instead update the value passed as a pointer argument to the function.

Also, I had some difficulties with Joern here, and there seem to be some inconsistencies. In the call to read, we are passing &x as second argument.

Here &x is treated as a call to Operators.addressOf by Joern.

res7: List[Expression] = List(
    id -> 13L,
    code -> "&x",
    name -> "<operator>.addressOf",
    order -> 2,
    methodInstFullName -> None,
    methodFullName -> "<operator>.addressOf",
    argumentIndex -> 2,
    dispatchType -> "STATIC_DISPATCH",
    signature -> "TODO assignment signature",
    typeFullName -> "ANY",
    dynamicTypeHintFullName -> List(),
    lineNumber -> Some(10),
    columnNumber -> Some(13),
    resolved -> None,
    depthFirstOrder -> None,
    internalFlags -> None

The problem I faced was that joern was not able to discover a path between the identifier x, and the call to read.

joern> val src ="x") 
src: Traversal[Identifier] = Traversal

joern> val sink ="read").argument(2) 
sink: Traversal[Expression] = Traversal

joern> sink.reachableByFlows(src).p 
res5: List[String] = List()

Anyway, we are still able to find a path from the local variables of the function to the return value.

joern> val src ="get_tainted_int").local.referencingIdentifiers 
src: Traversal[Identifier] = Traversal

joern> val sink ="get_tainted_int").methodReturn 
sink: Traversal[MethodReturn] = Traversal

joern> sink.reachableByFlows(src).p 
res8: List[String] = List(
| tracked   | lineNumber| method          | file                                     |
| return x; | 4         | get_tainted_int | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| return x; | 4         | get_tainted_int | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| int       | 1         | get_tainted_int | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |

So I would recommend a hybrid approach here. You can use Joern to filter out some interesting places in the code and then proceed with good-old manual code review.

Okay, so now we’ve figured out some functions which return tainted data (in our case, just get_tainted_int). We will now proceed to find patterns which match our first criteria (calls to memcpy where the size argument is tainted).

We can do this with:

joern> val src ="get_tainted_int") 
src: Traversal[Call] = Traversal

joern> val sink ="memcpy").argument(3) 
sink: Traversal[Expression] = Traversal

joern> sink.reachableByFlows(src).p 
res14: List[String] = List(
| tracked                  | lineNumber| method| file                                     |
| get_tainted_int(fd)      | 14        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| sz = get_tainted_int(fd) | 14        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| malloc(sz)               | 15        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| malloc(sz)               | 15        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| * str = malloc(sz)       | 15        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| copy(str, sz)            | 17        | main  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| copy(char *s, int n)     | 7         | copy  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| memcpy(buf, s, n)        | 9         | copy  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| memcpy(buf, s, n)        | 9         | copy  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |
| memcpy(buf, s, n)        | 9         | copy  | /home/jai/Documents/projects/vuln/main.c |

Hmm, so that didn’t work… This works perfectly thanks to Joern’s inter-procedural data-flow analysis.

This is because inter-procedural taint-analysis is not yet supported in the open-source version. So we can do some more filtering.

The remaining part of this section is only applicable to versions of Joern prior to v1.0.0. We continue in the U-Boot section.

As an exercise, we’ll still try to do some manual data-flow analysis using intra-procedural building blocks. We will look for functions where data from get_tainted_int reaches a call to a function which then calls memcpy on it.

joern> val src ="get_tainted_int") 
src: NodeSteps[Call] = io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps@d346b6e

joern> val sink =
sink: NodeSteps[Expression] = io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps@ba3095b

joern> sink.reachableByFlows(src).p
res19: List[String] = List(
| tracked                 | lineNumber| method| file                                  |
| get_tainted_int(fd)     | 21        | main  | /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/overflow/main.c|
| sz = get_tainted_int(fd)| 21        | main  | /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/overflow/main.c|
| copy(str, sz)           | 24        | main  | /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/overflow/main.c|

Great, so now we know that the copy function takes a tainted argument. Now we will check if this argument reaches a call to memcpy.

joern> val src ="copy").parameter.order(2)
src: NodeSteps[MethodParameterIn] = io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps@4477366d

joern> val sink ="memcpy").argument.order(3)
sink: NodeSteps[Expression] = io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps@44ece267

joern> sink.reachableByFlows(src).p
res31: List[String] = List(
| tracked             | lineNumber| method| file                                  |
| copy(char *s, int n)| 14        | copy  | /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/overflow/main.c|
| memcpy(buf, s, n)   | 16        | copy  | /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/overflow/main.c|

That’s great! We finally got our call to memcpy.

We can also do all of this in one-shot as follows:

def getFlow() = {
    val src ="get_tainted_int")
    val sink =

    val funcs = sink.whereNonEmpty(
        func => {
            val method =
            val src = method.parameter
            val sink ="memcpy").argument.order(3)
    ).filter(_.size > 0)

This gives us the same result:

joern> getFlow()
res68: List[List[String]] = List(
| tracked             | lineNumber| method| file                                  |
| copy(char *s, int n)| 14        | copy  | /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/overflow/main.c|
| memcpy(buf, s, n)   | 16        | copy  | /Users/jai/wd/tmp/vuln/overflow/main.c|

The query for the second part is left as an exercise for the reader. If you are able to write it, email me your solution at (jai2.verma at outlook dot com).

Finding bugs in U-Boot

Okay, so the main aim of this post was to try our the CodeQL U-Boot challenge using Joern.

The CodeQL U-Boot challenge is a tutorial on GitHub which has exercises for learning the basics of CodeQL by finding real bugs (fixed) which were present in the U-Boot codebase. So I already tried them out with CodeQL and my queries are present on GitHub here.

Before we get started, to generate the cpg for this, I checked out the u-boot repository to commit d0d07ba. And then I ran joern-parse on the repository.

So the actual first step for the challenge was step-3.

For this challenge, we just had to find functions named strcpy.

To do this in CodeQL, we would do the following:

import cpp

from Function f
where f.getName() = "strlen"
select f, "a function named strlen"

The joern query is also simple:"strlen").map(
    m => (, m.location.filename, m.location.lineNumber.get)

This gives us the following results:

res1: List[(String, String, Integer)] = List(
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/arch/m68k/include/asm/string.h", 22),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/arch/powerpc/include/asm/string.h", 20),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/board/Synology/ds414/cmd_syno.c", 89),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/board/Synology/ds414/cmd_syno.c", 101),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/board/gdsys/common/osd.c", 288),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/cmd/elf.c", 448),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/cmd/elf.c", 491),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/common/cli_readline.c", 468),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/common/cli_readline.c", 562),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/common/command.c", 226),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/common/command.c", 335),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/common/command.c", 368),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/common/command.c", 408),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/drivers/video/videomodes.c", 153),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/include/linux/string.h", 74),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/lib/string.c", 264),
  ("strlen", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/test/print_ut.c", 131)

step-4 is identical to step-3, we just have to find methods named memcpy instead of strcpy.

For step-5, the aim is to find macros with name ntohs, ntohl, ntohll.

Joern doesn’t have a separate class for macros. We can just use cpg.method as we did earlier.

step-6 is to find calls to memcpy.

To do this in CodeQL, we do the following:

import cpp

from FunctionCall c
select c

We can do this in Joern as follows:"memcpy").map(
    m => (, m.location.filename, m.location.lineNumber.get)

This gives us the following results:

           m => (, m.location.filename, m.location.lineNumber.get)
res2: List[(String, String, Integer)] = List(
  ("memcpy", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/api/api.c", 667),
  ("memcpy", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/api/api_net.c", 65),
  ("memcpy", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/arch/arc/lib/relocate.c", 24),
  ("memcpy", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/arch/arc/lib/relocate.c", 91),
  ("memcpy", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/arch/arc/lib/relocate.c", 130),
  ("memcpy", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/arch/arm/cpu/arm926ejs/mxs/spl_boot.c", 105),
  ("memcpy", "/home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/virt-v7.c", 58),

For step-7, we want to find invocations of the ntoh* macros. Again, since joern doesn’t have a separate class for macros, we can just filter for calls."ntoh.*").map(
    m => (, m.location.filename, m.location.lineNumber.get)

step-8 also remains the same.

step-9 is also very simple. We want to get top-level expressions which contain a call to ntoh.

In Joern, we are good to go with just the callsites of ntoh.

step-10 is the main query. Here we are finding callistes of memcpy where the size parameter is reachable by ntoh*.

This is what the query looks like in CodeQL.

* @kind path-problem

import cpp
import semmle.code.cpp.dataflow.TaintTracking
import DataFlow::PathGraph

class NetworkByteSwap extends Expr {
    NetworkByteSwap() {
        exists(MacroInvocation i|
            i.getMacro().getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(s|l|ll)") and
            this = i.getExpr()

class Config extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
    Config() { this = "NetworkToMemFuncLength" }

    override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) {
        source.asExpr() instanceof NetworkByteSwap

    override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {
        exists(FunctionCall f |
            f.getTarget().hasName("memcpy") and
            f.getArgument(2) = sink.asExpr()

from Config cfg, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink, source, sink, "Network byte swap flows to memcpy"

This gives us 9 results which are all vulnerable. A major benefit of CodeQL is that, unlike Joern, CodeQL supports inter-procedural taint analysis.

We can look for the same thing with Joern with the following query:

val src ="ntoh.*")
val sink ="memcpy").argument(3)

This gives us 62 results! Some of them are:

res6: List[String] = List(
| tracked                                              | lineNumber| method           | file                                          |
| ntohs(ip->ip_off)                                    | 906       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| ip_off = ntohs(ip->ip_off)                           | 906       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| ip_off & IP_OFFS                                     | 910       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| ip_off & IP_OFFS                                     | 910       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| offset8 =  (ip_off & IP_OFFS)                        | 910       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| payload + offset8                                    | 911       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| thisfrag = payload + offset8                         | 911       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| h >= thisfrag                                        | 963       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| h >= thisfrag                                        | 985       | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| (uchar *)thisfrag                                    | 1009      | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| memcpy((uchar *)thisfrag, indata + IP_HDR_SIZE, len) | 1009      | __net_defragment | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| tracked                                                       | lineNumber| method           | file                                               |
| ntohs(net_our_vlan)                                           | 1419      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| myvlanid = ntohs(net_our_vlan)                                | 1419      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| myvlanid == (ushort)-1                                        | 1420      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| myvlanid & VLAN_IDMASK                                        | 1423      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| myvlanid & VLAN_IDMASK                                        | 1423      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| myvlanid & VLAN_IDMASK                                        | 1423      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| (myvlanid & VLAN_IDMASK) == VLAN_NONE                         | 1423      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| int                                                           | 1414      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| net_eth_hdr_size(void)                                        | 1414      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| int                                                           | 1414      | net_eth_hdr_size | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c      |
| net_eth_hdr_size()                                            | 137       | fastboot_send    | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/fastboot.c |
| net_tx_packet + net_eth_hdr_size() + IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE          | 137       | fastboot_send    | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/fastboot.c |
| packet = net_tx_packet + net_eth_hdr_size() + IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE | 137       | fastboot_send    | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/fastboot.c |
| memcpy(packet, &response_header, sizeof(response_header))     | 150       | fastboot_send    | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/fastboot.c |
| sizeof(response_header)                                       | 196       | fastboot_send    | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/fastboot.c |
| tracked                                                   | lineNumber| method           | file                                          |
| ntohs(et->et_protlen)                                     | 1458      | net_update_ether | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| protlen = ntohs(et->et_protlen)                           | 1458      | net_update_ether | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| protlen == PROT_VLAN                                      | 1459      | net_update_ether | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| protlen > 1514                                            | 1464      | net_update_ether | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| protlen > 1514                                            | 1464      | net_update_ether | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| int                                                       | 1452      | net_update_ether | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/net.c |
| net_update_ether(et, et->et_src, PROT_ARP)                | 165       | arp_receive      | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/arp.c |
| eth_hdr_size = net_update_ether(et, et->et_src, PROT_ARP) | 165       | arp_receive      | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/arp.c |
| eth_hdr_size + ARP_HDR_SIZE                               | 186       | arp_receive      | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/arp.c |
| tracked                                                                                                                             | lineNumber| method                 | file                                                 |
| ntohs(arp->ar_pro)                                                                                                                  | 251       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| ntohs(arp->ar_op)                                                                                                                   | 252       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "%s recv arp type=%d, op=%d,\n",\n\t\t   eth_get_name(), ntohs(arp->ar_pro),\n\t\t   ntohs(arp->ar_op)) | 250       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "\tsource=%pM %pI4\n",\n\t\t   &arp->ar_sha,\n\t\t   &arp->ar_spa)                                      | 253       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "\tsource=%pM %pI4\n",\n\t\t   &arp->ar_sha,\n\t\t   &arp->ar_spa)                                      | 253       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| memcmp(&arp->ar_sha, net_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN)                                                                                         | 270       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| memcmp(&arp->ar_sha, net_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN)                                                                                         | 283       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| arp_raw_request(ip, net_ethaddr, ip)                                                                                                | 317       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| arp_raw_request(struct in_addr source_ip, const uchar *target_ethaddr, struct in_addr target_ip)                                    | 51        | arp_raw_request        | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/arp.c        |
| memcpy(&arp->ar_tha, target_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN)                                                                                      | 75        | arp_raw_request        | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/arp.c        |
| tracked                                                                                                                             | lineNumber| method                 | file                                                 |
| ntohs(arp->ar_op)                                                                                                                   | 252       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "%s recv arp type=%d, op=%d,\n",\n\t\t   eth_get_name(), ntohs(arp->ar_pro),\n\t\t   ntohs(arp->ar_op)) | 250       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "\tsource=%pM %pI4\n",\n\t\t   &arp->ar_sha,\n\t\t   &arp->ar_spa)                                      | 253       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| debug_cond(DEBUG_INT_STATE, "\tsource=%pM %pI4\n",\n\t\t   &arp->ar_sha,\n\t\t   &arp->ar_spa)                                      | 253       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| memcmp(&arp->ar_sha, net_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN)                                                                                         | 270       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| memcmp(&arp->ar_sha, net_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN)                                                                                         | 283       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| arp_raw_request(ip, net_ethaddr, ip)                                                                                                | 317       | link_local_receive_arp | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/link_local.c |
| arp_raw_request(struct in_addr source_ip, const uchar *target_ethaddr, struct in_addr target_ip)                                    | 51        | arp_raw_request        | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/arp.c        |
| memcpy(&arp->ar_tha, target_ethaddr, ARP_HLEN)                                                                                      | 75        | arp_raw_request        | /home/jai/Documents/projects/u-boot/net/arp.c        |

The complete output of the query can be found here:

Of-course, not all of these results are vulnerable. The majority of them are safe. Joern’s argument level granularity is not always accurate, so if tainted data reaches any of the arguments of a function marked as a sink, it will show that data-flow in the results. This issue is tracked here:

There are different strategies that different static analysis tools use for tracking taint which gives us different kinds of behaviour. For example, some tools stop tracking taint if there is an if condition to check bounds of a tainted variable. CodeQl supports value-set analysis which lets you specify lower and upper bounds of a variable in a query. Right now, Joern doesn’t lose taint when a tainted variable goes through an if condition. This is a complex scenario to handle and different tools handle this in different ways.

The reamining part of this post is only applicable to version of Joern prior to v1.0.0. Newer versions moved to a different API, and later on introduced inter-procedural data-flow analysis!

A similar query in joern looks like:

joern> val src ="ntoh.*")
src: NodeSteps[Call] = io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps@771da67d

joern> val sink ="memcpy").argument.order(3)
sink: NodeSteps[Expression] = io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.NodeSteps@64c8afbe

joern> sink.reachableByFlows(src).p
res4: List[String] = List(
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method            | file                              |
| ntohl([1 + nfsv3_data_offset])                                                     | 635       | nfs_readlink_reply| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| rlen = ntohl([1 + nfsv3_data_offset])                                              | 635       | nfs_readlink_reply| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(nfs_path,\n\t\t       (uchar *)&([2 + nfsv3_data_offset]),\n\t\t       rlen)| 647       | nfs_readlink_reply| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| tracked                                                                                                          | lineNumber| method            | file                              |
| ntohl([1 + nfsv3_data_offset])                                                               | 635       | nfs_readlink_reply| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| rlen = ntohl([1 + nfsv3_data_offset])                                                        | 635       | nfs_readlink_reply| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(nfs_path + pathlen,\n\t\t       (uchar *)&([2 + nfsv3_data_offset]),\n\t\t       rlen)| 642       | nfs_readlink_reply| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|

Okay so this is just giving us 2 calls, which is not bad at all. Here are the results which CodeQL gives us:

1. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	netconsole.c:161:37
2. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	netconsole.c:164:34
3. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	net.c:1009:50
4. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	nfs.c:644:10
5. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	nfs.c:649:10
6. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	nfs.c:574:44
7. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	nfs.c:106:20
8. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	nfs.c:106:20
9. Network byte swap flows to memcpy	ping.c:108:25

Our Joern results correspond to number 4 and number 5. Let’s see if we can improve this, without spending any time in manual code review.

One thing that we can look for is, places where data tainted with ntoh is passed to a function as an argument. Then this argument is used somewhere as an argument to memcpy. We’ll just look for one layer of such calls, although we can improve our query by recursively searching for this pattern.

def getFlow() = {
    val src ="ntoh(s|l|ll)")
    val sink =

    val callsites = sink.whereNonEmpty {

    val newSrc = callsites.method.parameter
    val newSink ="memcpy").argument.order(3)

So since u-boot is a big project with a large codebase, this query doesn’t seem to run in a reasonable amount of time (I’m running this on a machine from 2013 with 8 GB RAM and an i5 processor). So I’ll try to use a more systematic approach which should give us our results quicker, and we’ll also be able to tell if our query is actully making any progress or not.

def getFlow(methodName: String) = {
    val src ="ntoh(s|l|ll)")
    val sink =

    val methods = sink.whereNonEmpty(

    methods.foreach(m => {
        println(s"Looking in $m ...")
        val src =
        val sink =

What we’ve done here is that we’ve divided our computation into smaller chunks. With this query, we can apply this to each function in the codebase and get quicker and gradual results. When we apply this function to net_process_received_packet, we get a result!

joern> getFlow("net_process_received_packet")
Looking in debug_cond ...
Looking in ntohs ...
Looking in ntohs ...
Looking in debug_cond ...
Looking in debug_cond ...
Looking in nc_input_packet ...
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len = sizeof(input_buffer) - input_size                                                                | 150       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| chunk = len                                                                                            | 156       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(input_buffer + end, pkt, chunk)                                                                 | 164       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| chunk = len                                                                                            | 156       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(input_buffer + end, pkt, chunk)                                                                 | 164       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(input_buffer + end, pkt, chunk)                                                                 | 164       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len = sizeof(input_buffer) - input_size                                                                | 150       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len - chunk                                                                                            | 161       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len - chunk                                                                                            | 161       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
Looking in *udp_packet_handler ...
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Dangling meta character '*' near index 0

The reason we see a failure in the end is because of the function name *udp_packet_handler (which is a function poitner) is interpreted as an incomplete regex. No worries, we will ignore this because we got our result for nc_input_packet. This result corresponds to number 1 and number 2 of the CodeQL output.

Similarly, when we run this query for nfs_read_reply, we get the following result:

joern> getFlow("nfs_read_reply")
Looking in store_block ...
| tracked                                             | lineNumber| method     | file                               |
| store_block(int block, uchar *src, unsigned int len)| 143       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
| map_sysmem(store_addr, len)                         | 180       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
| ptr = map_sysmem(store_addr, len)                   | 180       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
| memcpy(ptr, src, len)                               | 181       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                             | lineNumber| method     | file                               |
| store_block(int block, uchar *src, unsigned int len)| 143       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
| memcpy(ptr, src, len)                               | 181       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                             | lineNumber| method     | file                               |
| store_block(int block, uchar *src, unsigned int len)| 143       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
| memcpy(ptr, src, len)                               | 181       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/tftp.c|
, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                               | lineNumber| method     | file                              |
| store_block(uchar *src, unsigned offset, unsigned len)| 81        | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| load_addr + offset                                    | 104       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| map_sysmem(load_addr + offset, len)                   | 104       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| *ptr = map_sysmem(load_addr + offset, len)            | 104       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(ptr, src, len)                                 | 106       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                               | lineNumber| method     | file                              |
| store_block(uchar *src, unsigned offset, unsigned len)| 81        | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| map_sysmem(load_addr + offset, len)                   | 104       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| *ptr = map_sysmem(load_addr + offset, len)            | 104       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(ptr, src, len)                                 | 106       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                               | lineNumber| method     | file                              |
| store_block(uchar *src, unsigned offset, unsigned len)| 81        | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(ptr, src, len)                                 | 106       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| tracked                                               | lineNumber| method     | file                              |
| store_block(uchar *src, unsigned offset, unsigned len)| 81        | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(ptr, src, len)                                 | 106       | store_block| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|

This corresponds to number 7 and number 8 of the CodeQL output.

Okay, now let’s try to go for more than 1 layer of taint flow. There is a cool feature in Joern which I recently learned of, which allows you to modify the CPG and add custom labels to the CPG nodes. What we’ll try to do now is, for each call to ntoh, we’ll label all function parameters which are reachable by this call, and we’ll do this recurisvely.

import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet

def labelVuln(func: String, done: HashSet[String]) : Unit = {
    if (done(func)) return
    else {
        val candidateFuncs =

        for (f <- candidateFuncs) {
            println(s"Working on $f ...")

            def src =

            def sink =

            def toTag = sink.whereNonEmpty(

            if (!toTag.isEmpty) {
                println("found a path!");

                labelVuln(f, done + func)
                println("no path found...")

So with this, we are tagging all nodes which we believe are reachable by ntoh. This may not be a hundred percent accurate, but we can manually filter out the results which seem valid to us. We can call this function as:

joern> labelVuln("ntohs", HashSet())
Working on fastboot_handler ...
no path found...
Working on tftp_handler ...
found a path!
Working on link_local_receive_arp ...
found a path!
Working on efi_net_receive ...
no path found...
Working on dns_handler ...
no path found...
Working on cdp_receive ...
found a path!
Working on net_process_received_packet ...
found a path!
Working on tsec_recv ...
found a path!
Working on fec_recv ...
found a path!
Working on armdfec_recv ...
no path found...
Working on usb_eth_recv ...
no path found...
Working on r8152_recv ...
found a path!

Once we have tagged all possible tainted parameters, we can run a quick query to find data flow.

res28: List[String] = List(
| tracked                    | lineNumber| method        | file                              |
| nfs_lookup_req(char *fname)| 316       | nfs_lookup_req| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(p, fname, fnamelen) | 347       | nfs_lookup_req| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| tracked                    | lineNumber| method        | file                              |
| nfs_lookup_req(char *fname)| 316       | nfs_lookup_req| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| memcpy(p, fname, fnamelen) | 334       | nfs_lookup_req| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| tracked                                                         | lineNumber| method | file                              |
| rpc_req(int rpc_prog, int rpc_proc, uint32_t *data, int datalen)| 173       | rpc_req| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| datalen*sizeof(uint32_t)                                        | 202       | rpc_req| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/nfs.c|
| tracked                                 | lineNumber| method        | file                                             |
| nc_send_packet(const char *buf, int len)| 171       | nc_send_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(pkt, buf, len)                   | 213       | nc_send_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| tracked                                 | lineNumber| method        | file                                             |
| nc_send_packet(const char *buf, int len)| 171       | nc_send_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(pkt, buf, len)                   | 213       | nc_send_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len = sizeof(input_buffer) - input_size                                                                | 150       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| chunk = len                                                                                            | 156       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(input_buffer + end, pkt, chunk)                                                                 | 164       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| chunk = len                                                                                            | 156       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(input_buffer + end, pkt, chunk)                                                                 | 164       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| memcpy(input_buffer + end, pkt, chunk)                                                                 | 164       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len = sizeof(input_buffer) - input_size                                                                | 150       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len - chunk                                                                                            | 161       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| tracked                                                                                                | lineNumber| method         | file                                             |
| nc_input_packet(uchar *pkt, struct in_addr src_ip, unsigned dest_port, unsigned src_port, unsigned len)| 134       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| len - chunk                                                                                            | 161       | nc_input_packet| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/drivers/net/netconsole.c|
| tracked                                                             | lineNumber| method     | file                              |
| arp_receive(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip_udp_hdr *ip, int len)| 123       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|
| net_update_ether(et, et->et_src, PROT_ARP)                          | 165       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|
| eth_hdr_size = net_update_ether(et, et->et_src, PROT_ARP)           | 165       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|
| eth_hdr_size + ARP_HDR_SIZE                                         | 186       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|
| tracked                                                             | lineNumber| method     | file                              |
| arp_receive(struct ethernet_hdr *et, struct ip_udp_hdr *ip, int len)| 123       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|
| net_update_ether(et, et->et_src, PROT_ARP)                          | 165       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|
| eth_hdr_size = net_update_ether(et, et->et_src, PROT_ARP)           | 165       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|
| eth_hdr_size + ARP_HDR_SIZE                                         | 186       | arp_receive| /Users/jai/wd/tmp/u-boot/net/arp.c|

Okay great, we got some results! But unfortunately, most of these aren’t vulnerabilities. Only the results for nc_input_packet are real bugs and we’ve already found them above. The reason we are seeing the other results, is that the tainted data is being propagated indirectly to other variables. Also, we do not have argument specific granularity in our query which leads to these results.

Okay, so I’m ending this post here. Unfortunately, we were unable to find results 3, 6 and 9. 3 and 6 were pretty straightforward, and should have been found with Joern. 9 was a little trickier because taint spanned through multiple functions before reaching memcpy. If you are able to write a query to find these bugs, please email me your solutions!

So we say some pretty neat features which Joern supports. In the next post I’ll try to describe my approach in finding 0-days with Joern! See you next time…